Met museum API
The met museum doesn't allow you to view all works by female artists. "Female" is in a bool category of "artistGender", so you can search for "works attributed to a woman that contain the word "sunflower"", but you can't type in "give me all female artists" and return a result. You have to query something. You also can't return all works within a period of time. Tou have to query for that as well. So. I downloaded the csv file of all of the data from the Metmuseum API and used pythong to go through and sort by century and count for all objects that contained "Female" in the "artistGender" field. I did the same for all works not attributed to women. I ended up with a dictionary of centuries and corresponding dates (ie. 18:1890 etc..). I used python to make and write four files. The list of centuries in female attributed files (ie, 13,17,19,18 etc), the list of total files made in each century by a Female (ie. 1,20, etc. ). I created two files that followed the same format where the artistGender field did not contain "Female".
The resulting graph is a list of centuries, where the black bars are centuries that contain no works from female artists, whereas if the century did contain works from female artists, the blue bars represent the percentage of male artists, and the red bars represent the percentage of female artists.